MOTOBIT.COM - ASP upload, IIS utility Values Class, Collection of value objects of one registry key., Member of RegEdit

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Collection of value objects of one registry key.

Object model

Values - Collection of value objects of one registry key. (Values property, Values for the specified registry key.)
Value - Represents one value from windows registry (Item property, Returns a single Value object from the Values collection.)


CountNumber of values in the collection.
Long, RO
ItemReturns a single Value object from the Values collection.
Value, RO


List of shell extensions.

  'Get RegEdit.Server object
  Set S = CreateObject("RegEdit.Server")

  Set Key = S.GetKey("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved")

  For Each Value In Key.Values
      Wscript.Echo Value.Value

Set a specific value

  'Get RegEdit.Server object
  Set S = CreateObject("RegEdit.Server")
  'Get a key
  Set Key = S.GetKey("HKLM\SOFTWARE\MyFirstKey")

  'Set binary value - type exactly specified
  Key.Values("BinaryData").SetValue ChrB(65) & ChrB(0) & ChrB(66) & ChrB(0), vtBinary

Used in


Other links for Values class

ActiveX RegEdit classes

Server, Keys, Key, Values, Value

ActiveX RegEdit enums

ValueType, ReservedKeys, LogonTypes, AccessRights


Intuitive, easy to use COM interface to windows registry. Set of classes to read/enumerate/modify windows registry keys and values from ASP, VBS and T-SQL.

© 1996 - 2009 Antonin Foller, Motobit Software | About, Contacts | e-mail: