MOTOBIT.COM - ASP upload, IIS utility List all binary values within a key

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List all binary values within a key 
Const vtBinary = 3

Sub ListBinaryValues()
  Dim Reg
  Set Reg = CreateObject("RegEdit.Server")
  'get a specified key
  rListBinaryValues Reg.GetKey("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion")
End Sub

Sub rListBinaryValues(Key)
  Dim SubKey, Value
  'List all values under the key
  For Each Value In Key.Values
    'type value name and path if the value is of a binary type
    If Value.Type = vtBinary Then
      Wscript.Echo Value.Key.Path & ":" & Value.Name
    End If
  'List all subkeys.
  For Each SubKey In Key.SubKeys
    rListBinaryValues SubKey
End Sub

Other links for the List all binary values within a key sample


Represents one value from windows registry


Intuitive, easy to use COM interface to windows registry. Set of classes to read/enumerate/modify windows registry keys and values from ASP, VBS and T-SQL.

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