MOTOBIT.COM - ASP upload, IIS utility Enumerate classes on remote computer

Sample for RegEdit.Server.Connect | Changes | Purchase | Download


Enumerate classes on remote computer 
  'Get regedit server object
  Set S = CreateObject("RegEdit.Server")
  'Connect to the remote registry
  S.Connect "ComputerName", rkClassesRoot

  For Each Key In S.Keys
      Wscript.Echo Key.Name


Other links for the Enumerate classes on remote computer sample


Server/computer for the ActiveX regedit.
You can use GetKey method to get a specified key from the server.
Keys property returns a collection containing subkeys of a connected key (See Connect method).


Intuitive, easy to use COM interface to windows registry. Set of classes to read/enumerate/modify windows registry keys and values from ASP, VBS and T-SQL.

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