MOTOBIT.COM - ASP upload, IIS utility AccessRights Enum, Access mask that describes the desired security access for the key., Member of RegEdit

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Access mask that describes the desired security access for the key.


arNone = &H0 No permission
arQueryValue = &H1 Permission to query subkey data.
arSetValue = &H2 Permission to set subkey data.
arCreateSubKey = &H4 Permission to create subkeys.
arEnumerateSubKeys = &H8 Permission to enumerate subkeys.
arKeyNotify = &H1016  Permission for change notification.
arKeyCreateLink = &H2032  Permission to create a symbolic link.
arReadControl = &H20000131 072  
arWrite = &H20006131 078  Combination of arSetValue and arCreateSubKey access
arRead = &H20019131 097  Combination of arQueryValue, arEnumerateSubKeys, and arKeyNotify access
arFullAccess = &H2003F131 135  


VBS include

'AccessRights - begin
Public Const arNone = &H0 'No permission
Public Const arQueryValue = &H1 'Permission to query subkey data.
Public Const arSetValue = &H2 'Permission to set subkey data.
Public Const arCreateSubKey = &H4 'Permission to create subkeys.
Public Const arEnumerateSubKeys = &H8 'Permission to enumerate subkeys.
Public Const arKeyNotify = &H10 'Permission for change notification.
Public Const arKeyCreateLink = &H20 'Permission to create a symbolic link.
Public Const arReadControl = &H20000
Public Const arWrite = &H20006 'Combination of arSetValue and arCreateSubKey access
Public Const arRead = &H20019 'Combination of arQueryValue, arEnumerateSubKeys, and arKeyNotify access
Public Const arFullAccess = &H2003F
'AccessRights - end

VB4 include

'AccessRights - begin
Public Const arNone As Long = &H0 'No permission
Public Const arQueryValue As Long = &H1 'Permission to query subkey data.
Public Const arSetValue As Long = &H2 'Permission to set subkey data.
Public Const arCreateSubKey As Long = &H4 'Permission to create subkeys.
Public Const arEnumerateSubKeys As Long = &H8 'Permission to enumerate subkeys.
Public Const arKeyNotify As Long = &H10 'Permission for change notification.
Public Const arKeyCreateLink As Long = &H20 'Permission to create a symbolic link.
Public Const arReadControl As Long = &H20000
Public Const arWrite As Long = &H20006 'Combination of arSetValue and arCreateSubKey access
Public Const arRead As Long = &H20019 'Combination of arQueryValue, arEnumerateSubKeys, and arKeyNotify access
Public Const arFullAccess As Long = &H2003F
'AccessRights - end

VB5 include

Public Enum AccessRights
  arNone = &H0 'No permission
  arQueryValue = &H1 'Permission to query subkey data.
  arSetValue = &H2 'Permission to set subkey data.
  arCreateSubKey = &H4 'Permission to create subkeys.
  arEnumerateSubKeys = &H8 'Permission to enumerate subkeys.
  arKeyNotify = &H10 'Permission for change notification.
  arKeyCreateLink = &H20 'Permission to create a symbolic link.
  arReadControl = &H20000
  arWrite = &H20006 'Combination of arSetValue and arCreateSubKey access
  arRead = &H20019 'Combination of arQueryValue, arEnumerateSubKeys, and arKeyNotify access
  arFullAccess = &H2003F
End Enum 'AccessRights

JScript include

//AccessRights - begin
var arNone = 0x0; //No permission
var arQueryValue = 0x1; //Permission to query subkey data.
var arSetValue = 0x2; //Permission to set subkey data.
var arCreateSubKey = 0x4; //Permission to create subkeys.
var arEnumerateSubKeys = 0x8; //Permission to enumerate subkeys.
var arKeyNotify = 0x10; //Permission for change notification.
var arKeyCreateLink = 0x20; //Permission to create a symbolic link.
var arReadControl = 0x20000;
var arWrite = 0x20006; //Combination of arSetValue and arCreateSubKey access
var arRead = 0x20019; //Combination of arQueryValue, arEnumerateSubKeys, and arKeyNotify access
var arFullAccess = 0x2003F;
//AccessRights - end

IDL include

// AccessRights
typedef [helpcontext(0x20050), helpstring("Access mask that describes the desired security access for the key.")]
enum AccessRights{
	[helpcontext(0x20050), helpstring("No permission")]
		arNone = 0x0,
	[helpcontext(0x20050), helpstring("Permission to query subkey data.")]
		arQueryValue = 0x1,
	[helpcontext(0x20050), helpstring("Permission to set subkey data.")]
		arSetValue = 0x2,
	[helpcontext(0x20050), helpstring("Permission to create subkeys.")]
		arCreateSubKey = 0x4,
	[helpcontext(0x20050), helpstring("Permission to enumerate subkeys.")]
		arEnumerateSubKeys = 0x8,
	[helpcontext(0x20050), helpstring("Permission for change notification.")]
		arKeyNotify = 0x10,
	[helpcontext(0x20050), helpstring("Permission to create a symbolic link.")]
		arKeyCreateLink = 0x20,
		arReadControl = 0x20000,
	[helpcontext(0x20050), helpstring("Combination of arSetValue and arCreateSubKey access")]
		arWrite = 0x20006,
	[helpcontext(0x20050), helpstring("Combination of arQueryValue, arEnumerateSubKeys, and arKeyNotify access")]
		arRead = 0x20019,
		arFullAccess = 0x2003F
} AccessRights;

Other links for AccessRights class

ActiveX RegEdit classes

Server, Keys, Key, Values, Value

ActiveX RegEdit enums

ValueType, ReservedKeys, LogonTypes, AccessRights


Intuitive, easy to use COM interface to windows registry. Set of classes to read/enumerate/modify windows registry keys and values from ASP, VBS and T-SQL.

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