MOTOBIT.COM - ASP upload, IIS utility ReservedKeys Enum, The predefined reserved handle values., Member of RegEdit

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The predefined reserved handle values.


rkClassesRoot = &H80000000-2 147 483 648  Defines types (or classes) of documents and the properties associated with those types. Data stored under this key is used by Windows shell applications and by object linking and embedding (OLE) applications.
rkCurrentUser = &H80000001-2 147 483 647  Defines the preferences of the current user. These preferences include the settings of environment variables, data about program groups, colors, printers, network connections, and application preferences.
rkLocalMachine = &H80000002-2 147 483 646  Defines the physical state of the computer, including data about the bus type, system memory, and installed hardware and software.
rkUsers = &H80000003-2 147 483 645  Defines the default user configuration for new users on the local computer and the user configuration for the current user.


VBS include

'ReservedKeys - begin
Public Const rkClassesRoot = &H80000000 'Defines types (or classes) of documents and the properties associated with those types. Data stored under this key is used by Windows shell applications and by object linking and embedding (OLE) applications.
Public Const rkCurrentUser = &H80000001 'Defines the preferences of the current user. These preferences include the settings of environment variables, data about program groups, colors, printers, network connections, and application preferences.
Public Const rkLocalMachine = &H80000002 'Defines the physical state of the computer, including data about the bus type, system memory, and installed hardware and software.
Public Const rkUsers = &H80000003 'Defines the default user configuration for new users on the local computer and the user configuration for the current user.
'ReservedKeys - end

VB4 include

'ReservedKeys - begin
Public Const rkClassesRoot As Long = &H80000000 'Defines types (or classes) of documents and the properties associated with those types. Data stored under this key is used by Windows shell applications and by object linking and embedding (OLE) applications.
Public Const rkCurrentUser As Long = &H80000001 'Defines the preferences of the current user. These preferences include the settings of environment variables, data about program groups, colors, printers, network connections, and application preferences.
Public Const rkLocalMachine As Long = &H80000002 'Defines the physical state of the computer, including data about the bus type, system memory, and installed hardware and software.
Public Const rkUsers As Long = &H80000003 'Defines the default user configuration for new users on the local computer and the user configuration for the current user.
'ReservedKeys - end

VB5 include

Public Enum ReservedKeys
  rkClassesRoot = &H80000000 'Defines types (or classes) of documents and the properties associated with those types. Data stored under this key is used by Windows shell applications and by object linking and embedding (OLE) applications.
  rkCurrentUser = &H80000001 'Defines the preferences of the current user. These preferences include the settings of environment variables, data about program groups, colors, printers, network connections, and application preferences.
  rkLocalMachine = &H80000002 'Defines the physical state of the computer, including data about the bus type, system memory, and installed hardware and software.
  rkUsers = &H80000003 'Defines the default user configuration for new users on the local computer and the user configuration for the current user.
End Enum 'ReservedKeys

JScript include

//ReservedKeys - begin
var rkClassesRoot = 0x80000000; //Defines types (or classes) of documents and the properties associated with those types. Data stored under this key is used by Windows shell applications and by object linking and embedding (OLE) applications.
var rkCurrentUser = 0x80000001; //Defines the preferences of the current user. These preferences include the settings of environment variables, data about program groups, colors, printers, network connections, and application preferences.
var rkLocalMachine = 0x80000002; //Defines the physical state of the computer, including data about the bus type, system memory, and installed hardware and software.
var rkUsers = 0x80000003; //Defines the default user configuration for new users on the local computer and the user configuration for the current user.
//ReservedKeys - end

IDL include

// ReservedKeys
typedef [helpcontext(0x20049), helpstring("The predefined reserved handle values.")]
enum ReservedKeys{
	[helpcontext(0x20049), helpstring("Defines types (or classes) of documents and the properties associated with those types. Data stored under this key is used by Windows shell applications and by object linking and embedding (OLE) applications.")]
		rkClassesRoot = 0x80000000,
	[helpcontext(0x20049), helpstring("Defines the preferences of the current user. These preferences include the settings of environment variables, data about program groups, colors, printers, network connections, and application preferences.")]
		rkCurrentUser = 0x80000001,
	[helpcontext(0x20049), helpstring("Defines the physical state of the computer, including data about the bus type, system memory, and installed hardware and software.")]
		rkLocalMachine = 0x80000002,
	[helpcontext(0x20049), helpstring("Defines the default user configuration for new users on the local computer and the user configuration for the current user.")]
		rkUsers = 0x80000003
} ReservedKeys;

Used in

Server.Connect, Server.hKey

Other links for ReservedKeys class

ActiveX RegEdit classes

Server, Keys, Key, Values, Value

ActiveX RegEdit enums

ValueType, ReservedKeys, LogonTypes, AccessRights


Intuitive, easy to use COM interface to windows registry. Set of classes to read/enumerate/modify windows registry keys and values from ASP, VBS and T-SQL.

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